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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Personally Attend a Zynga Feedback Session in San Francisco ((Details Here,Share First))

10-26-11 Player Feedback Session

Let your voice be heard!

Do you play FarmVille? Will you be in the San Francisco area on October 26th? Would you like to come to Zynga and share your thoughts with members of the FarmVille studio? Do you consider yourself quite the “decorator” on your farm and are ready for the holidays? If you answered “Yes!” to these questions, please check out the information below and let us know if you are interested!
On Wednesday, October 26th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM PDT the FarmVille studio will be hosting a player feedback session with up to 12 interested players who can make it to Zynga on that date and time. There will be food, presentations, and casual Q&A time to discuss your thoughts, interests, and wishes for FarmVille.
How do you get an invitation? Just send an email to ilovemyfarm@zynga.com and provide the following information:
Real Name: (So we know who you are.)
Age: (Due to the need for a signed NDA, minors will not be selected to attend.)
Contact Email Address: (So we can send you a RSVP if you are selected to attend.)
Facebook UID: (So we can check out your farm!)
Why You Want to Attend: (In 200 words or less.)
Food Allergies: (We don’t want to serve food that you can’t eat!)
Any Special Needs and/or Requirements: (We want to accommodate you as best as possible!)
Please note that this is not a contest or lottery, it’s just an open invitation for you to submit your interest in attending this event. Seating is limited to 12 player’s maximum, and if more than 12 players submit interest we will select attendees based on studio discretion.
Not everyone who submits interest will receive an invitation to attend – but we still like you! The players who are selected will be contacted at the email address provided in the list above. If we can’t reach you at that address within a reasonable time frame, we reserve the option to invite someone else for the seat.
Zynga will not provide transportation to or from this event. Please submit only if you will be in the San Francisco area on the 26th and can attend.
Note: Attendees will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement at the onset of the luncheon in order to attend.
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