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Saturday, August 27, 2011

FarmVille: New Boar to unlock when 3 million Like Zynga fan page

In an effort to drive more attention and fans to its Zynga, Inc. Facebook fan page, the developer has announced a new promotion in FarmVille that will see us unlocking a new, mystery Boar once the page reaches 3 million unique Likes. We aren't told much more other than this, but I highly doubt that the plain Black Boar pictured here is a true indication of what our prize will look like.
In an effort to drive more attention and fans to its

Currently, the Zynga, Inc. fan page sits at over 2.3 million Likes, so while there's still plenty of room to climb, the number doesn't seem entirely unreachable. Either way, here's something else to think about: Zynga states that at 3 million Likes, the FarmVille team will "release a new Boar" into the game, but doesn't specifically say we'll all be given one for free. That being the case, this could just be an unlocked animal in the store that we'll have to pay Farm Cash for if we even want it. On the other hand, this could just be some confusing wording, and we very well may receive the animal for free: that's the risk we'll have to take when deciding whether or not to actually Like the page.

We'll keep you posted as the fan page climbs in Likes, and if Zynga reveals any additional information about what this little piggy looks like, we'll make sure to let you know.
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