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Monday, August 29, 2011

Mystery Game: August 29, 2011

It’s that time of the week again: the Mystery Game!
FV Cash Per Dart: 20 FV Cash
Darts We Used: 7
FV Cash We Spent: 140 FV Cash
Call us Lucky Dogs in this week’s Dog Mystery Game. Naturally, we got lucky this week on only seven Darts. Whew! This is definitely good, as we can pass our savings down to you folks through our giveaways. 140 FV Cash out of a possible 120 FV Cash minimum? We will take it! Our only problem is for a second straight week in a row we did not receive our seventh prize, this week being an incredibly cute Yorkie.
But while we can’t do much about that until Customer Service intervenes, we can bring you pictures and reviews on the other six Animals in this Dog-only Mystery Game, starting out with the top Rare prize of the week: the Chihuahua. No, this is not a Taco Bell commercial, but boy oh boy do we love this Rare little fella – plus “Chihuahua” is a great word to say, as well as phonetically pleasing to type. Our favorite little quirk about this guy is his huuuge ears that perk up every now and then – he sort of reminds us of Dumbo will those big ol’ things.
The other Rare slot this week was given to another small pooch that looks like the complete opposite of the Chihuahua, the Maltese. This little doggy is like a complete 180 degree turn from the slim and trim Chihuahua, looking like a ghost dog with a sheet draped over it. Needless to say, we also love this one. It’s nice to see a Mystery Game with so much diversity in the top slots, which are usually reserved for Horses, Cows, Unicorns, and Exotic Animals. Just don’t let this one scare you.
As for the Uncommon items of the week, they kick off with the likes of a fan favorite amongst dog owners in that it is a common breed but hugely popular, making it a wise selection for the Uncommon spot. We are, of course, talking about the Beagle. If you’re a dog lover and surround yourself with dog loving friends, chances are you know someone with this particular breed of dog, making it a commonly coveted item in the Mystery Game. In other words, if you aim for the moon in the Rare prizes of the week and fall short of the stratosphere, you can take comfort in obtaining a handsome pup like this.
On the other side of the Uncommon coin tonight is another tiny fellow that will certainly get a lot of folks in trouble if they don’t know how to spell the breed properly: the Shih Tzu. Don’t worry, we knew how without looking it up; we’re gloating professionals here at the FarmVille Post. We’ve never been huge on the breed itself, so this one might be our least favorite of the Mystery Game — but that is certainly not at the fault of the Zynga artistic team, as this one has our favorite animation in that it gives a quizzical look with its head cocked to the side, as depicted in the picture above.
It is clear as day to us throughout this Mystery Game that the Zynga team is comprised of big-time dog lovers, as every one of these is a clear winner from a design standpoint. Our favorite of the whole bunch might just be the Pug, though it’s honestly hard to choose. This is saying a lot since it’s a Common item this week, but we can’t help but love the scrunched-up expression of its face when its head is tilted to the side with the tongue hanging out. Who can honestly say they hate dogs after seeing all of these great critters? We’ll tell ya who: someone who was born without a heart!
The final item of the Mystery Game tonight is one of our personal favorites in a week where it’s hard for a dog lover to go wrong, as the Boston Terrier is commonly available throughout the sea of balloons this evening. The best part of this silly goofball is the fact that his tongue will go droopin’ out of his mouth between panting. Just make sure he doesn’t go potty on the caaahpet – yeah, we’re even busting out our poor Bostonian accents for the night.
Our Verdict: If you love dogs, it’s literally impossible to be too angry with whatever you get this week. Otherwise, view the gallery for yourself and make your decision.
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