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Friday, September 23, 2011

New Items: Fisherman’s Shack and New England Inn

To conclude our Market reviews for the evening, we will take a glimpse at the Buildings tab, which has received two brand new structures this evening.
First up is the one that is available for a discount from the usual pricing points in FarmVille as far as Buildings go. We are used to seeing 20 FV Cash and 30 FV Cash for Buildings, but this Fisherman’s Shack has been dropped down from 20 FV Cash to 16 FV Cash, all while still giving you 2,000 XP upon purchase.
This will be a must-have for any of you real-life fishermen out there, as the small, long Building is lined up with various fishing equipment, looking like a redneck’s front porch in the boondocks – but for professional purposes rather than laziness. This one can be rotated and looks great either way you put it, though it does not feature any animation. This one is definitely different from the usual stuff we see in the game.
Well, we’d love to review this newest 30 FV Cash Building, the New England Inn, but we can’t for the life of us see it… Y’know, because it is glitched and all. Yikes. We keep seeing this sort of stuff happen more often these days, ranging from invisible Unicorns to now invisible Buildings. We’d hate to try to walk into the door only to bop our head on the invisible doorframe. Man, having an invisible house would be the worst; we can’t even find the remote control when it’s literally in our hand, much less trying to track down a window frame. Could you imagine showering with an invisible house? Let’s hope there are no Peeping Toms in the neighborhood!
That’s it from us for tonight. We have we have informed and entertained throughout. Thank you!
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